UniSC uses the research consumption enrolment model for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student enrolments and subsequent fees.
This ensures that research student unit loads and fees fluctuate (decrease and increase) in accordance with the time a research student is actively working towards their HDR.
UniSC counts the number of days a research student is actively working on their HDR per research term. A unit enrolment value will be recorded and reported according to the number of days a student is active in a given term, and fees will be charged accordingly.
To calculate the tuition fee cost for a single unit of enrolment, divide the maximum fee by the maximum possible number of units per term for the term (i.e. 48).
Please note below calculations are for 2025.
Student Type |
Program Fee by Term* |
Calculation | Unit Value | Daily Rate* |
Domestic | $14,000 | $14,000 / 48 | $291.66 | $76.71 |
International | $15,515 | $15,515 / 48 | $323.22 | $85.01 |
* Estimated Daily Rate calculated on a 181 day term
Active days are counted one calendar day at a time for students enrolled full-time, or half a calendar day at a time for part-time students.
A student is considered 'active' for counting enrolment units unless they:
- Have not yet commenced their Higher Degree by Research
- Are on an approved leave of absence
- Are under thesis examination (or are waiting to graduate)
A 'term' is a period in which UniSC counts and reports a student’s activity in their HDR program.
Every research student is enrolled in two research terms per year: Term 1 and Term 2.
There are two terms in Semester 1 (A and B) and two terms in Semester 2 (A and B).
Term Name | Start Date | Census Date | End Date | Number of Days |
1A | 01/01/2025 | 19/04/2025 | 30/06/2025 | 181 |
1B | 01/04/2025 | 19/07/2025 | 30/09/2025 | 183 |
2A | 01/07/2025 | 19/10/2025 | 31/12/2025 | 184 |
2B | 01/10/2025 | 31/12/2025 | 31/03/2026 | 182* |
A student’s research term grouping (A or B) is determined by the date on which they commenced their research degree.
Terms of enrolment |
Commencement date ranges (in any year) |
1A and 2A |
1 January to 30 June; and 1 July to 31 December |
1B and 2B |
1 April to 30 September ; and 1 October to 31 March (following year) |
Your term start date will determine when you are charged Student Services and Amenities Fees. You will be charged SSAF if you are enrolled for any date during your term. Please refer to the 'Student Services and Amenities Fees' and the 'What changes a student's fees?' sections for more information.
The total active days in a term is divided by the total number of days available in the term, multiplied by the maximum possible units (i.e. 48.00).
For example, John was active for 121 days in a term that is 183 days long.
(121/183)*48 = 31.73
John’s unit value is 31.73
Fees will decrease when students:
- take an approved leave of absence; or
- change study load from full to part-time
- submit their thesis (or otherwise discontinue their program)
Fees will increase when students:
- change study load from part to full-time
- return from a leave of absence earlier than planned
- commence the period of revisions to their thesis
Where a change occurs after a term Census date, a new invoice will be available after the term has concluded. If a credit is owed, this will be applied to the next term’s fees.
Tuition fee offset scholarships will continue to absorb the recipient’s tuition fees (including any adjustments) until the scholarship expiry date. If a student is still working towards completing their Higher Degree by Research after the tuition fee scholarship expires (including during the period of revisions to their thesis), the student will be liable for their tuition fees. Refer to the “What changes a student's fees?” section for reasons that fees may decrease or increase within a term of enrolment. Any credit remaining at the completion or discontinuation of the program is refunded to the scholarship (it is not available to the tuition fee scholarship recipient as cash withdrawal).
Your tuition fee offset scholarship does not apply to your Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) and you are responsible for payment of the SSAF by the fee due date. Please refer to the 'Student Services and Amenities Fees' section for more information.
Students without a tuition fee scholarship (including those whose previous tuition fee scholarship has expired) will be liable for their tuition fees. See the “What changes a student's fees?” section for reasons that fees may decrease or increase within a term of enrolment. Any credit remaining at the completion or discontinuation of the program is available to the student as cash withdrawal.
Research students will continue to be liable for the Student Services and Amenities (SSAF), including any adjustments. Refer to the “What changes a student's fees?” section for reasons that fees may decrease or increase within a term of enrolment. Any credit remaining at the completion or discontinuation of the program is available to the student as a refund.
All students are required to pay a yearly Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). These funds help to improve student services and amenities that are non-academic in nature, like sporting activities and support services.
The maximum Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) for 2025 is A$365 per year.
Your actual fee will vary based on your total enrolment load. Learn how to calculate your Student Services and Amenities Fee and how USC allocates the funds.
For more information on how the Student Services and Amenities Fee is calculated please refer to 2025 Schedule of Fees
More information: Contact Student Finance