Medical emergency procedure | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Medical emergency procedure

For all campus emergencies call 5430 1168 or Ext 1168.

If required, DIAL 000 for Emergency Services.

Medical emergency action
  1. Check the immediate area for signs of danger and remove or control it (if safe to do so) to avoid further risk to the casualty and yourself.
  2. Do not move a casualty unless they are exposed to a life-threatening situation.
  3. If required, contact the ambulance service by dialling 000. If you are unsure if an ambulance is required, call 000 and they will advise you.
  4. Notify SafeUniSC Security Ext 1168 or 5430 1168.
  5. Remain with the casualty and administer first aid (if trained to do so) until assistance arrives.
  6. Follow the instructions of relevant Emergency Services personnel or First Aid personnel.
  7. Remember DRS ABCD of first aid:
  • Danger
  • Response
  • Send for help after response
  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • CPR (Start CPR, 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths)
  • Defibrillation

 Always refer to Emergency communications in the event of an emergency for latest announcements.

Go to Emergency procedures for other procedures or Safety and Security for general information.