

For all emergencies: Telephone Triple Zero (000). Police and Ambulance officers are located on the Island.

Non-urgent police:(07) 4127 9288

Non-urgent medical: 13 12 33

Mechanical assistance: 0427 279 173

Towing services:(07) 4127 9449 and 0428 353 164 or (07) 4127 9437

Taxi (Eurong): (07) 4127 9188 or mobile phone: 0429 379 188

Air services: Air Fraser (07) 4125 3600

Marine strandings: 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625)


A police station is located at Eurong Village on the eastern side of the island.


An ambulance station is located at Happy Valley on the eastern side of the Island.

Please be aware that mobile reception is limited on the Island. Areas where reception is generally available include Orchid Beach, Waddy Point, Happy Valley, Eurong and Kingfisher Bay. Some reception is available at Dilli Village.

The following apps provide general information which may be useful in the case of an emergency. If you choose to use these apps, download and install them prior to visiting the Island.