Commando School



Did you know: This historical site was used for a quarantine station in the 1870s and an Aboriginal reserve in the 1890s.

In remote bush on the western side of K'gari, take a glimpse into the world of one of Australia’s most famous military commando units, the Z Special Unit.

This 4.4km return walk from Kingfisher Bay Resort incorporates the McKenzie's Jetty historical site, which is reached by walking south along the beach for 2.5km.

The Commando School and a small interpretive shelter is located 700m uphill from the jetty.

The walk provides good vantage points of Great Sandy Strait. Return to the resort via the beach or use the inland walking track, which is well-marked.

Top secret history

Secrecy has surrounded the Z Unit for decades but today visitors can learn more about this chapter in Australia's military history by exploring the ruins of the Commando School.

Between 1943-45, hundreds of soldiers trained on K'gari for secret, high-level missions behind enemy lines during the Second World War. This elite group became known as theZ Special Unit and essentially formed part of Australia's first Special Forces.

On the Island, the Commandos trained in boat skills, jungle craft and unarmed combat. The site at North White Cliffs provided a natural anchorage and its seclusion also made it an ideal location. In addition, there were concerns that enemy agents might land on the Island, so a military presence solved that issue.

Remnants of the main camp site include an old boiler, concrete slabs, ceramic pipes, building stumps, box drains and possible latrine pits or foxholes, corrugated iron water tanks and telegraph poles.

Visitors should take care not to further erode the building cuttings or remove artefacts.