Vice-Chancellor and President's Indigenous Advisory Committee | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Vice-Chancellor and President's Indigenous Advisory Committee

Members of the Indigenous Advisory Committee advise the Vice-Chancellor and President on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy matters relevant to the University. The role of the Committee is to also provide strategic advice and guidance to the Vice-Chancellor and President on the achievement of outcomes for Indigenous students, staff and research and curriculum matters associated with the University, consistent with the Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and employment initiatives.

Terms of reference
  1. To advise the University on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student matters including equitable access, participation, retention and success.
  2. To monitor outcomes and advise on strategies to increase the employment and career development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in academic and non-academic roles at the University.
  3. To review the impact of University and government policy developments on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and student outcomes.
  4. To collaborate with employer and industry/professional bodies to build and extend pathways into higher education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  5. To advise on development of the University’s Indigenous cultural competence, including the strategic direction and excellence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and research.
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander member of University Council (Chairperson)
  • Vice-Chancellor and President
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students)
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Members (5)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Department of Education and Training, Queensland representative
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander State Government representative (2)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander TAFE/Vocational Education and Training representative
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Industry/Professional representatives (4)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives of Schools (2)
  • USC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Leadership Committee Co-Chairs (2)
  • Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement
  • Dean, Graduate, Research
  • Director, Human Resources
  • In attendance - Committee Secretary
  • In attendance - Human Resources Consultant 

Membership of 25. Quorum of 12.

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of USC staff are welcome to be in attendance at meetings of the Vice-Chancellor and President’s Indigenous Advisory Committee.

The Chair may invite any person to attend specific meetings, or co-opt members to the Committee or as part of working parties or sub-groups, to assist the Committee in its deliberations or undertake nominated tasks.

Tenure and frequency of meetings
  • Members of this Indigenous Advisory Committee (other than ex officio members) shall serve for terms of up to two (2) years, concluding on 30 June of the relevant anniversary year.
  • A minimum of three meetings a year is required. As a guide, these meetings would best serve the University to be at the end of February, end of July and end of November, each year.
Committee processes
  • This Indigenous Advisory Committee will operate in accordance with the standard committee processes of the University in all matters relating to good governance, confidentiality and propriety.

Last revised by the Vice-Chancellor and President, 1 July 2019.