

Pandanus or Screwpine grows in coastal lowlands.

Pandanus or Screwpine is native to Malesia, eastern Australia, and the Pacific Islands.

It is a small tree (4-14m). The tree is supported by prop roots that anchor the tree to the ground. The roots may grow along the branch at wide angles.

The very different male and female flowers are borne on separate trees. The femaletree produces a large fruit that resembles a pineapple but is toxic(must not be eaten without indigenous knowledge).

The Pandanus is at risk (on the Island and elsewhere) and numbers have reduced dramatically. The deaths have been caused by an accidentally introduced 'pest' insect, the 'Pandanus Leafhopper' (Jamella australiae).

A tiny native wasp has proven successful elsewhere in fighting the Pandanus Leafhopper. Thewasp has beenreleased on the Island in the hopeof reducing leafhopper numbers.

Botanical name: tectorius