Great Sandy Strait and Hervey Bay


The Great Sandy Strait is 70 km long and separates K'gari from the mainland.

Hervey Bay and the Great Sandy Strait support a significant marine environment and provide an aquaticplayground for locals and visitors.

A range of ecosystems can be found in the Great Sandy Strait including saltmarshes, mangrove forests, inter-tidal flats, seagrass meadows, coral and rocky reefs, sponge gardens and sandy beaches.

The area is a critical feeding, breeding and resting habitat for numerous iconic animals, and many species that are of international significance for conservation.

Hervey Bay is a sanctuary for humpback whales and is amajor resting area on their annual migration between winter breeding areas in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon and summer feeding areas in Antarctica. Whale watching during the migrations (August to November) is a significant tourist attraction.

The Great Sandy Strait is a Ramsar Wetland of international importance, and an important feeding and roosting site for many endangered shorebirds.

Hervey Bay and the Great Sandy Strait also provide feeding and breeding habitats for endangered dugong, green and loggerhead turtles, and grey nurse sharks.