Citizen Science


Remember do not leave the track and take photographs only.

Everyone who visits K'gari can be a Citizen Scientist by using the camera on their phone. Do not touch or interfere with the environment. Simply take photos.

Allvisitors, whether you are a scientist or not,can engage with the environment and develop a sense of stewardship of the Island.

Information gathered bystudents and visitorscan dramatically expand the knowledge of natural values ofthe Islandto ensure that these values are understood and protected.

Citizen science involves amateurs or everyday citizens collecting information to help identify problems or issues.

You can help in the following way:

Here is a great app that makes citizen science simple and fun!


Download the iNaturalist App and you can contribute to biodiversity science. Your findings are shared with scientific data repositories like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use your data. All you have to do is observe.